
Which oxygen sensor do I need?
Oxygen availability determines the rate of many biological and chemical processes and is required for aerobic respiration. It is the absolute amount of oxygen (measured as partial pressure in kilopascals) that nearly always determines oxygen availability, but we think of oxygen as a percent of the total number of molecules in the air (20.95 %). The best example of this is the oxygen on top of Mount Everest, which is 20.95 %, but most climbers need supplemental oxygen to get to the top.


What is the purpose of the oxygen sensor's built-in heater?
In order to keep condensation from forming on the sensor's Teflon membrane (where oxygen diffusion occurs), the built-in heater is designed to warm the sensor to a temperature slightly above the ambient temperature. This is particularly important in soil applications where the relative humidity is normally at 100 %. For this reason, it is recommended that the heater be continuously powered. Once condensation forms on the membrane, the sensor must be removed from the humid environment and allowed to dry before the condensation evaporates and the signal returns. If the heaters are turned off and condensation forms, the heaters don't supply enough energy to evaporate the condensation once they are turned back on. The heater requires a 12 V DC input and consumes about 74 mW of power. This works out to about 6 mA of current draw.
Sensor recalibration can be conducted periodically and should be determined by the level of measurement accuracy required for the application. Apogee recommends the SO-100 series be recalibrated every 2-3 years and the SO-200 series be recalibrated every year. SO-100 and SO-200 series sensors decrease by approximately 1 mV (SO-100 series) and 0.8 mV (SO-200 series) or approximately 2 % (SO-100 series) and 6 % (SO-200 series) of signal output per year at 20.95 % oxygen. This signal decrease yields increases in calibration factor of approximately 2 % (SO-100 series) and 6 % (SO-200 series). Further information can be found in the Maintenance and Recalibration section of themanual
SO-100 series sensors should read approximately 60 mV at sea level in ambient air (20.95 % O2). SO-200 series sensors should read approximately 12 mV at sea level in ambient air. These voltages will decrease by approximately 1 % per 100 meters of elevation increase above sea level.
Lower pressure can result in higher readings from your sensor. A barometric pressure correction should be applied to all oxygen sensors that are calibrated to read relative oxygen concentration. Further information and the equation to correct relative oxygen measurements for barometric pressure can be found in the Operation and Measurement section of themanual。另外,低于60kPa(8.7psi)限制的压力可能导致电解质过度蒸发并减少传感器的寿命。
What is the minimum airflow required to get oxygen readings?
Flow-through applications should have a minimum of 200 to 300 mL/min flow rate.
No, it measures the absolute concentration of gaseous oxygen.
No it won't. It might read "0 %" oxygen when it is wet, but will return to normal once it dries out. The housing of the sensor is polypropylene plastic, potted solid, and is waterproof.
Yes, if properly spliced, the signal from the sensor is not affected by splicing on additional cable. Please check the用户手册for details and limitations on adding cable. For information on how to create a proper waterproof splice, please visit our教学网页or watch our视频。我们提供我们的高品质电缆和拼接套件的定制电缆长度,可在购买时或以后的日期订购。
How do I get data off my meter?
Do I need to order a sensor to go with my meter?
Can I add cable to my meter?
I received an error code on my meter. How do I fix it?
呃1:电池电压超出范围。 使固定:更换CR2320电池并执行主复位。
Err 2:传感器电压超出范围。 使固定:perform master reset.
Err 3:Not calibrated. 使固定:perform master reset.
Err 4:CPU电压低于最小值。 使固定:更换CR2320电池并执行主复位。
What kind of battery does my meter take?
The meter takes a CR2320 coin cell battery.
Can I measure soil respiration?
What should I do if my meter becomes non-responsive or experience anomalies?


Is each logged or sampled reading time stamped?
No – user should record the starting time when the meter is placed in LOG mode and take note of time when sampled readings are taken.
How many readings will the meter take in LOG mode?
当在日志模式下,仪表将打开/关闭,每30秒开启/关闭。每30分钟仪表将平均六十六次测量,并将平均值记录到内存中。仪表可以存储多达99个平均值,并在有99次测量后开始覆盖最旧的测量。每48次平均测量(制作24小时),仪表也将以每米的每天摩尔斯储存99总计,每天平方(Mol M)-2d-1).