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For additional information on recalibration and pricing click here. >

For maximum accuracy, we generally recommend all sensors be recalibrated every two years. You may wish to wait longer between recalibration cycles depending on your requirements. The Clear Sky Calculator may be used as a quick reference to determine if recalibration is necessary for pyranometers and quantum sensors, click here for more information on the清晰的天空计算器
重新校准传感器的频率随着应用而变化很大。通常,我们建议每两到三年的重新校准周期,特别是在使用连续户外应用中的传感器时。但是不是猜测,还有另一种方法允许最终用户进行确定。该清晰的天空计算器is designed to calculate the intensity of radiation falling on a horizontal surface, at any time of day, in any location in the world. Essentially, the calculator outputs an estimated value that can be directly compared to the output of the sensor(s) in question. For best accuracy, comparison should be made on clear, non- polluted, summer days within one hour of solar noon. The test sensor(s) should also be leveled and cleaned to help produce consistent measurements.
We recommend recalibration every two years. For information on recalibrating your infrared radiometer点击这里



General Information

Photosynthesis and plant growth depend on the energy in radiation, but only specific wavelengths of radiation cause photosynthesis. We have known since Einstein that one photon excites one electron (the Stark-Einstein Law), which starts photosynthesis. In 1972 a scientist named Keith McCree showed that a meter that counted the number of photons in radiation would more accurately predict photosynthesis than the previously used foot-candle meters. LI-COR (Lincoln, NE) started making meters to measure this radiation and scientists quickly switched to the new measurement system, which is called Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF). The energy in a photon is called a quantum so these meters are called quantum meters. A quarter century later, LI-COR has sold thousands of high quality meters, but their least expensive quantum meter with sensor costs $780. The high cost means that they are used only by scientists and large commercial growers. Smaller growers have continued to use foot-candle meters, which measure light for humans. Footcandle meters have errors of up to 45% when used to measure light for photosynthesis.
What are some properties of solar radiation?


紫外线 250到400 nm UV传感器或光谱放射性计
可见 400到700 nm Quantum sensor or spectroradiometer
近红外 700 to 3000 nm
红外线 3000到100 000 nm 红外辐射计

大约99%的太阳能或短波,地球表面的辐射含量在300至3000nm的区域中包含,而大多数陆地或长波,辐射包含在3500至50 000nm的区域中。

Outside the earth's atmosphere, solar radiation has an intensity of approximately 1370 watts per square meter. This is the value at mean earth-sun distance at the top of the atmosphere and is referred to as the Solar Constant. On the surface of the earth on a clear day, at noon, the direct beam radiation will be approximately 1000 watts per square meter for many locations.

能量是影响位置的可用性(including latitude and elevation), season, and time of day. All of which can be readily determined. However, the biggest factors affecting the available energy are cloud cover and other meteorological conditions, which vary with location and time.
