
两个领先的研究级量子(PAR)传感器的余弦和光谱响应的比较:Apogee SQ-500和Li-Cor Li-190r

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Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is defined as the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), the sum of photons between 400 and 700 nm, with units of µmol/m2/s (micromoles of photons per meter squared per second). Quantum sensors, sometimes called PAR sensors, are used to measure the PPFD.

This research report compares two of the most widely used research grade quantum sensors in the world, the Apogee SQ-500 and the LI-COR LI-190R. These data are an excerpt from a comprehensive study that compared eight different types of quantum sensors (Blonquist和Johns。5月,2018年).


Specifications below are from the product manuals. U.S.A. list prices referenced are from the company websites.

远地点SQ-500 LI-COR LI-190R
Sensitivity (mV perµ摩尔/ m2/s) 0.01(常数) 0.003-0.006 (with 604 Ω resistor)(Variable depending on sensor)
Calibration Factor (µ摩尔/ m2/s每MV) 100 (Fixed multiplier for drop-in replacement)


Calibration Uncertainty 5 % 5 %
Non-linearity 1 % up to 4000 µmol/m2/s(2X Full sunlight) 1 % up to 10,000 µmol/m2/s(5X Full sunlight)
定向(余弦)响应 查看下面的图表 查看下面的图表
光谱响应 查看下面的图表 查看下面的图表
Temperature Response -0.11±0.04%/每C ± 0.15 % per C
Operating Environment -40 °C to 70 °C; 0 % to 100 % relative humidity; can be submerged in water up to depths of 30 m -40°C至65°C;0%至95%相对湿度,非凝结
住房 Anodized aluminum with epoxy-potted electronics cavity Anodized aluminum with O-ring seal
Detachment for Calibration 线缆连接器30厘米距离传感器头部 Sensor top is detachable by removing three screws
U.S.A. Manufacturer List Price Similar, but the LI-COR LI-190R is ~25 % more than the Apogee SQ-500. LI-COR with a fixed multiplier option is ~50 % higher cost.




Cosine Response LI-190R


These measurements closely matched the directional response measured in the laboratory for the Apogee (black line) and the directional response from the product manual for the LI-COR (black line). Directional errors were less than 2 % up to zenith angles of about 60° and less than 5 % up to zenith angles of about 75°. Quantum sensors from other manufacturers had larger directional errors (Blonquist和Johns。5月,2018年).


(Spectral errors for both sensors were less than 4 % for all lights tested.)



Spectral responses compared to defined PAR (black line). The response of the Apogee was measured in a monochromator (dark green line is the mean of six replicates, light green lines are data for each replicate). The response of the LI-COR is from the product manual. Spectral responses of quantum sensors from other manufacturers did not match defined PAR as well as these two sensors (Blonquist和Johns。5月,2018年).


Spectral errors for sunlight and common electric lights were calculated from the spectral responses. Spectral errors for both sensors were less than 4 % for all lights tested. Quantum sensors from other manufacturers did not achieve these small spectral errors (Blonquist和Johns。5月,2018年).

Radiation Source 远地点SQ-500 LI-COR LI-190R
Clear Sky 0.0(0.0 *) 0.0(0.0 *)
Overcast Sky 0.1 0.1
从植物冠层反射 -0.3 1.1
Transmitted below Plant Canopy 0.1(4.9*) 0.7(1.1 *)
凉爽的白色荧光T5 0.1 1.8
Metal Halide 0.9(-0.4*) 0.4(0.8 *)
Ceramic Metal Halide 0.3 1.3
Mogul Base High Pressure Sodium 0.1(2.2*) 3.2(3.3*)
Dual-ended High Pressure Sodium -0.1 2.8
Blue LED 448 nm Peak -0.7 -0.2
Green LED 524 nm Peak 3.2 2.2
Red LED 635 nm Peak 0.8 3.6
红色LED 667 nm峰值 2.8(5.2 *) 0.9(2.4*)
Cool White LED 0.5 2.0
Neutral White LED 0.5 2.0
温暖的白色LED 0.2 2.1

*Numbers in parentheses refer to spectral errors published in a technical note (LI-COR Biosciences, 2018).The LI-COR data for the Apogee SQ-500 are from an earlier version of the SQ-500. The Apogee data for the SQ-500 were from the latest version, which was released in October 2017. The latest version includes a more exact 700 nm cutoff. To allow relative comparison, the numbers from the LI-COR technical note were scaled so errors were zero under sunlight.

Blonquist Jr.,J.M.和J.A.约翰斯。2018.准确的PAR测量:八个量子传感器型号的比较。betwayapp免费下载Apogee Instruments研究报告,2018年5月在线发布(//www.hoploy.com/content/Comparison-of-Eight-Quantum-Sensor-Models.pdf)

LI-COR Biosciences. 2018. Comparison of quantum sensors with different spectral sensitivities. LI-COR Biosciences Technical Note, published online February 2018(https://www.licor.com/documents/oi26ib7eb6wm5y5u9ebv4b3jodm09tf9).