Apogee in Space

Apogee Infrared Radiometer being used in the International Space Station

Apogee Infrared Radiometers are being used in the International Space Station's Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) module to measure things such as the canopy temperature of dwarf Apogee wheat meant for use in space travel. The highly sophisticated APH experimental station is used to develop yield maximizing cultivation techniques for various crops when grown in space and on other planets.

Apogee Wheat developed under the direction of Dr. Bruce BugbeeInternational Space Station Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) moduleApogee SI infrared radiometer inside an APH

Apogee wheat was developed in 1996 at Utah State University under the direction of Dr. Bruce Bugbee, the president of Apogee Instruments and current professor at USU. This specialized variety grows hydroponically in small spaces and triples the bushel yield of field crops.

Adnvaced Plant Habitat Apogee Wheat photo timeline sequence with the Apogee SI infrared radiometer

Learn more about the Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) project by clicking here:https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/advanced-plant-habitat.pdf, or herehttps://www.nasa.gov/feature/new-plant-habitat-will-increase-harvest-on-international-space-station.

Learn more about the release of Apogee Wheat in this article from 1996 by clicking here:https://www.deseretnews.com/article/485993/INTEREST-SPROUTS-IN-USUS-DEVELOPMENT-OF-SPACE-WHEAT.html

Application Summary

Apogee Instruments' Infrared Radiometers were recently used in the Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) project to measure the canopy temperature of dwarf Apogee wheat meant for use in space travel.
Apogee Sensors Used
International Space Station